Thursday, 1 May 2008

Voyage à Pékin

For some people,including me,composing is a tough task.From my days in primary school composition has been the most annoying work.And from then I know that I can never be a writer.

Since writing is not my cup of tea,I can now explain why not blogging despite that something worth to write about happened during the past 1 week.There's a funny logic:when an event passed and I'm too lazy to record,this is perhaps a small problem of forgetting it day by day,and when more passed,the problem glows bigger.However,I still can make it none-problem by not writing at all.:)

So let's begin with what happened earlier.

Last Sunday I went to BIEC for automobile.I'm not a big fan for autos but speaking of cars,especially the luxury type,everyone is kind of craving,isn't it?

I don't want to say much about this exhibition because I don't know what to say,either about the exhibition hall or the cars.Actually I only saw half of the exhibition that day,one is because my camera ran of out battery when I reached to Benz hall,nevertheless I soon realised that I should feel grateful for this--another reason is:it were too crowded,in the east part of the centre,where there are luxury brands like Rolls-Royce,Falari,etc.,it was impossible to have a look at the exhibits through the crowds.Although I've been warned of it on my way getting there,thanks to my mother who asked to turn on the radio during the driving.It was repeatedly announced that there were a big traffic jam on the highway that directly lead to BIHC,the police had opened the side way free to lighten the pressure.So we were lucky,until we got to the parking lot.I never saw such a parking lot.It was not a place designed for the parking lot,it was just a raw ground under construction.And it was huge,of course,on problem for tens of thousands.When we got there,I bet there were already several thousand,and it was only the situation of No.2 Park,and when we got here for return,the number of vehicles was obviously much bigger!

Oh,there's a big point I haven't mentioned--models.While I dislike the idea of arranging a beauty by a vehicle(I'd consider the 2 don't match),it is a good idea to bring your exhibit much more audience(and that was why this was used by some cheaper cars?),and I did feel my eyes lighten by this Cadillac.Ha ha,these do match!Oops,I kind of understand,auto fans are mostly male so...

For more pictures please visit

Monday, 21 April 2008

Nestle's new mate

Has any of you ever tried this?If so,who can tell me what the resulting taste should be like if used properly?Umm...maybe I should go to Starbucks some day for a "nutty sweetness of hazelnut" experience(a description written on the package of hazelnut flavor).

I loved the idea when I first saw this new product in BHG Market Place.I'm not a big fan of coffee,which is still a bit luxury for me on the aspects of both hardware and software.But that is part of my motivation to take these boxes home.I'd grasp every in-café chance to enjoy freshly brewed coffee and has always been wondering what is behind the other terms on menu.I've got a brewer,and this elicits another part--Mon has just brought some coffee home.

I did hesitated in front of the shelf.You see,the original coffee mate has such packaging,too.20 individual bags in 1 box for 6RMB.Whereas this flavored mate is at 15RMB/8 individual bags.Bien sûr,soon I realise it might be cheaper than a sum of original mate,sugar and vanilla powder.

There isn't any instruction for the proper ratio apart from "to taste".I've got a Nestle mug and a Nestle golden spoon so I thought 1 bag mate goes with 1 mug coffee made from 1 spoon coffee powder,Thus my experiment reveals how instant coffee lacks of flavor because I couldn't taste much difference after adding 1 bag "caramel macchiato".At least no sweeter.It couldn't be like this!Alright my coffee may be too dense.So I poured out a half and refilled with water and add another bag.Mon Dieu!My caramel macchiato is more bitter than Starbuck's Americano,if not smoother.Is there really some sugar in it as written on the package?As mother said it's fine I came out with another idea---to dissolve the white powder in milk.

Haha,there were finally some change to the taste of the milk.Unfortunately,it was not sweet but a taste of flavoring that may disgust you if you had too much.What's worse,I felt neither caramel for the "caramel macchiato" nor that "nutty sweet" for "hazelnut".If it hadn't been myself who tear up the package,I would have judged them as original coffee mate.

I guess the liquid mate shall be better ,will that be put into Chinese market?

Saturday, 19 April 2008

Whom are we hating?

So China Telecom has reopened Blogger?How strange!

I've lost the interest of blogging.It's not my fault.Before Blogger,I've had 2 other blog hosts banned without an announcement.What they permitted me to build on---Chinese servers are not as stable!If the article I spend hours typing tonight vanishes after on night's sleep,I'd rather not type it than save the same words on different servers.I'm not canvassing anyway,even now I really wish I had the power of a candidate for US President to convincethe world.

During these years I've been frequently told that Olympics can bring prosperity to its host,both financially and politically.But now I doubt if it works for China.It is a trigger,not for success,but for war.

It doesn't hurt much when it was again and again reported that the government took millions on various construction.We are not wasting money if the effort is not misunderstood.Although I totally agree that the Olympics has lost its original meaning,it has come a machine d'argent,I'm still shocked at the westerners' saying that Olympics is China's politic gimmick.

They can blame China.In fact,I know my homeland is being blamed for almost everything from human rights to pollution to price-rising,or even global-warming.Being a Chinese I don't want to blame anyone,for the censure itself is a tragedy.

But I do have to explain,China has all of these faults,so do any other country in this world.Human rights problem is but an excuse,the root is we treat each other as an enemy,the protest is an exposition of west world's fear of China's growing up.Media speaks for its governor,just thinking of a debate you'll know to what a extent the same news can be contorted to conflicts.
On the pther hand,that the snowball can grow so big and so fast reflects that China's development is solid and this nation's contributionto the whole world must to be reckened with.Be it North Korea,people may standing on the side seeing to as a joke.
Boycott is not a solution.It's somewhat ridiculous to read some columnists persuading people from boycotts right after their seditious comment causing the problem.There's a "boycott wave" between the east and west.Well I believe politics serves for economy,that's why exportation and importation are banned between certain countries.But to arise a boycott is against our initial idea of global trading and the cost must be on both side,smart westerners should be aware that inflation is sure to take place if they try to refuse Chinese product.
Anyway,I'm not saying supporting national brands is not important,nor am I trying to encourage anyone shopping in Carrefour on May,1.But I have to say,the French are better business men.You may say that the goods in Carrefour are cheaper merely because foreign investors don't pay much tax,then why Wal-Mart is so expensive?And another French retailer Auchan,is even cheaper!I find everything is at its lowest original price in Auchan---- where I go when desiring a particular item instead of slacking around for undemanding bargains.
For the most of the time,we just want to live simple.We are so sensitive about human rights because we do not yet feel free enough,equal enough.No matter how unsatisfied you are at another's idea or behavior that has little relation with yourself,as long as he's happy and you're happy,who's to blame?