My desktop on Mac Air
desktop picture taken by Quecksilber(myself)@Xi'an Botanical Garden
As for surfing,apart from the speed and instability of my connection,what is most painful to me is I couldn't see the pictures,especially those beautiful ones taken by individuals. They are replaced by a question mark!
All I should be grateful for is:I'm able to type some new words here.
'Tis a start... Hopefully it's not illegal:)
Being an ordinary user and an ordinary Chinese who is no insider of internet affairs.My view of this censorship is"a big joke",if not too extreme;waste of money,waste of energy,waste of time;and provides another handle for the hostile western world.
At least it's useless.GFW bans foreign communication sites and Taiwan sites.Is there any benefit for our people?This method is somewhat the style of 1970's. Blocking the nation from innovative tech and ideas. Its initial purpose,to prevent people from something they don't want to be seen?I say,the majority don't feel troubled by this GFW,or even don't know what Internet censorship is. They won't notice any"negative information"whether there's censor or not. For those ambitious activists,GFW still don't work because it's too easy to break! Moreover,what it bans is something we need to know. Isn't it a government's duty to help its residents recognise how the nation stands in the entire world?
In the interior,the censors made a long list of "sensitive words". Of cause,the content is kept secret. That is to say,for example,if I type Jiang Zemin on Google and press enter,then I'm unable to reconnect Google within 5 minutes or so. The banned words are more of a fun topic to net users. When someone discover a banned word or phrase,he announces it as a joke. Rumors behind this word spread even more popular.
I'm not complaining,nor am I unsatisfied with anything. It's China. No politics is perfect. We can only pick the better. Honestly speaking,there's no big human rights problem to the Chinese people. The western world is taking things on their culture,that make sense,to us,is a bigger joke!
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